Starting Again

Hello and welcome to a new start. I have attempted blogging several times. The first blog I started never actually got published, and it was kind-of like a personal journal. The next blog is still out there on the internet, you can see it


(if you dare). It's from my high school days, and full of funny little posts about the life I was living! Fast forward several years and I started this blog, 'midst of madi' which did not last very long. Its been years since I posted on this blog - 2 to be exact! Now that I am nearing the end of my degree, I am hoping to invest more of my creative energy into this blog!

The past two years have been full of learning, and full of adventure - both good and bad.

Here is a list of the top things that have happened:

1. Perhaps the most exciting thing that has happened is that we (Jason and I) got a DOG! His name is Buddy, we rescued him from SCARS in Edmonton in February 2016. He has become a great addition to our household.

2. That brings me into the next exciting thing which has and is still happening! We are renovating a house! It is a beautiful bungalow which we have transformed into a warm welcoming modern home! It is still a work in progress, but it has come a LONG way.

3. Jason and I did quite a bit of travelling these past few years. The summer of 2015 we traveled to Oregon! It was a really fun road trip that I hope to blog about in the future.

4. Faroe Islands. We flew here during the summer of 2016, and it was the most amazing trip I have ever taken. Jason and I hiked around the islands and became fully immersed in the culture. I will most definitely write about it in the future - but for now, you can catch up on my "

Faroe Islands Vlogs

" which are on youtube!

5. I transferred to University! I am now a student at the University of Calgary where I am finishing up a degree in Biological Anthropology. Its been challenging, but rewarding at the same time.

Now we are up to speed!!

I hope to see you here again,

Madison. xx


'Glamping' at Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
