University Apartment Tour

I have been going to University for a while now - I am in my fourth and final year (YAY)!! I have never really had a constant living situation during my time in post secondary. I have had unusually bad luck with roommates, except for a few wonderful humans along the way. But to put it simply, in four years I have had about 12 different roommates in 6 different apartments. This is quite a lot, and it hasn't allowed me to really settle into a place. I do live with Jason during the weekends and my time off, but during school, I am living in Calgary.

In August I moved into this apartment with my best friend Emily. It has been the first really steady living situation which I have had at Uni. It's been so refreshing and rewarding living in this space! We have been able to furnish the place however we wanted, drink beer out of whatever vessel we wanted (yes U of C residence, I am referring to your no beer bottle policy), and we have been able to remain close to campus! All big pluses from me. Perhaps one of the greatest things about our apartment is that it was renovated just before we moved in, so were the first to live in the fresh, new space!

I am moving out of the apartment in a few weeks once my last final exam is finished, so I decided to do an apartment tour!!

I filmed the video and put it on youtube - you can find the link below!

I am sad to be leaving this place, it has been such a treat to live here with my best friend and her cat. We have had many good memories sitting at the kitchen table talking until 3:00am. Many nights were spent studying, and many nights were spent laughing. I am so grateful to have spent my last year of post secondary living in this awesome environment.

Cheers to us, Em! xx


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