Self Portrait: Month Two

In this months self portrait project, I wanted to capture what a weekend in the kitchen might look like for Jason and I. We spend SO MUCH TIME in the kitchen, it is the hub of our home and countless dance parties have taken place on the black slate tiles.

A few days ago I spontaneously decided to book a trip to Scotland NEXT WEEK! - I know, crazy right? I have only a few days to pack and get everything sorted before I am gone for just under a month. I am super excited, but also realized that this will be the longest amount of time that Jason and I have ever spent away from each other in over 4 years. I will miss him so much!! Once the reality of our time apart began to set in, I thought it would be nice to include him into my self portrait project this month! Moments with Jason in the Kitchen will be ones that I will miss the most, so capturing them seemed like the best way to channel my creativity this month.

My body confidence has been relatively low these past few months, so I have found that this project is a great way for me to see myself in a positive light! I think it is so incredible how an image can show you a whole different representation of yourself that you may not feel internally. Through this project I hope to come to embrace my body!

Thanks so much for reading, this project means a lot to me. 

Madison xx



March Wish List


Film Scans | Collection 1